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Love in Action

For parishes or groups wanting to learn more about CST or wanting to set up a social action project in their area a great resource is the Love in Action program from Caritas in Westminster.

This program includes a wealth of freely available and well prepared materials that allows a method of looking at six aspects of CST leading to setting up social action projects. In our diocese the Love in Action program has been run in the St. Colman’s parish and St. Paul’s parish, Cosham, with great success and has led to parishioner getting more involved in the parishes’ outreach activities.

Discover ‘Love in Action’

Dragon's Den

The Caritas Dragon’s Den project is run every year in both Primary and Secondary schools and exists to encourage schools to think up a social action project which they then present at a competition. Winners receive a financial prize to implement their project. Already running for several years the project has been a great success and has encouraged schools to engage in their local community in areas of social need.

Mentoring support is available from the Catenians for project implementation. If you school is interested in getting involved get in touch!

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Other School Projects

As we want schools to be fully engaged in the overall Caritas mission and to be reaching out to those in need, we would be most happy to come and talk to your school about social action and offer opportunities for you to be more involved.

This could be participating in one of our existing projects or running your own school project to help those in need. Or it could be a simple school fundraising event. With statistics telling us that a third of school children have no idea what a refugee actually is, from this example we can see that there is a need to increase awareness.We will be adopting a badge scheme for those who participate in Caritas projects so to learn more just get in touch.
