Safeguarding Committee:

The role of the Safeguarding Committee is to provide assurance to the Trustee Board that safeguarding is managed responsibly and in accordance with the Diocese’s charitable purposes, governing documents, and the law of England and Wales, Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, and of any other jurisdiction in which the Diocese operates.  The Committee provides that assurance through oversight of the work of the Diocesan safeguarding office.  The Committee is responsible for the development, publication, and annual review of the 3-yearly Safeguarding Implementation Plan and for advising the Trustee Board on the safeguarding strategy for the Diocese. The Committee meets on 5 occasions per calendar year and is Chaired by a Lay Trustee and comprised of a mix of Clergy and professional Lay members.

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Bernard Davis

Trustee Chair

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Dr Rich John

Independent Deputy Chair

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Dr Sarah Schofield

Sub-Committee Member (Primary Care)

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Jaq Doran

Sub-Committee Member (Retired Police)

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Rev Fr John Lee

Clergy Sub-Committee Member

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Rev Canon PJ Smith

Clergy Trustee Sub-Committee Member

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Fr Chris Heaps

Clergy Trustee Sub-Committee Member

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth

Moira Howorth

Sub-Committee Member

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth

Abbot Cuthbert

Sub-Committee Member
